The final tweets

After my first live tweeting summary, I had time to reflect on what I would want to do for the second summary at the end of the semester. I wanted to work towards the goals that I set for myself and wanted to evaluate my tweets even more. 

Looking at the films that we had to analyse, it was quite interesting as the majority of them had a very similar theme to a near future setting and how the world and humans would be in that time period. It made me think about how creative the writers, directors, and producers were to create a fictional world that a lot of people could relate to and see potentially happening, especially in Ready Player One and Her. 

My Feedback 

Reflecting on my tweets from the initial half of the semester, I believe I went reasonably well considering it was my first experience with live-tweeting a screening. Once I grasped the technique, the process became much smoother, enabling me to articulate my thoughts more effortlessly. Between weeks 6 and 11, I made a conscious effort to assess my tweets, striving to establish stronger connections between my opinions, ideas, and the subject matter at hand. 

For the initial live-tweeting assignment, I opted not to seek personalized feedback, as I had already identified my areas of improvement and had a general sense of the direction I intended to take in the second half of the semester. My aim was to incorporate the various topics we had covered throughout the course into my tweets, rather than solely focusing on the specific subject of each individual tweet. By broadening the scope of my tweets, I sought to create a more comprehensive and integrated approach to showcase the breadth of knowledge acquired over the semester.

Additionally, I aimed to enhance my analysis by utilizing the ChatGPT platform more extensively, leveraging its capabilities to gain additional perspectives and insights to help my tweets. Another objective I set for the end of the semester was to improve my tweet planning. I implemented this approach for most of the remaining weeks, and it undoubtedly aided me in staying on track and focusing during class-time screenings. Planning ahead enabled me to capture any missed details during the initial viewing, ensuring that my tweets encompassed a comprehensive reflection of the subject matter.

My favourite theories 

These are some of my favourite theories that I have learned this semester:

The first one was Anthropocene, I found it very interesting as this theory challenges our perception of humanity’s role in the world, urging us to acknowledge our responsibility for the environmental changes we have triggered in this world. The Anthropocene theory not only prompts reflections on our past and present actions but also makes us look into the future and see what is in store for us. I found this theory in a lot of the movies that we watched this semester, such as Alita, Ready Player One, and more. 

Another one of my favourite theories was Cyberpunk, this theory has fascinated me since studying it last year in one of my other classes, as we looked at the colours and themes as a lot of cyberpunk movies have neon and bright colour aesthetics as it is blending traditional and futuristic elements. Looking at multiple movies that had the dystopian future theme, such as Alita, Ready Player One, Westworld, and more. It delves into themes of artificial intelligence, virtual realities, and corporate domination. 

Looking back on this semester 

This semester has proven to be a great learning experience, particularly in the realm of sci-fi movies and the skill of live tweeting. It demanded a comprehensive understanding and effective multitasking, as highlighted in my initial blog post about live tweeting. Balancing the movie-watching experience, gathering accurate information, analyzing the film, and connecting it to the topics discussed in class was undoubtedly challenging. One significant takeaway was the invaluable utility of ChatGPT, which aided me in planning and clarifying concepts. It deepened my comprehension of lecture materials and their relevance to weekly topics, though occasionally I struggled to establish connections between the topics and the screenings. ChatGPT significantly assisted in articulating my thoughts and knowledge into coherent sentences, which has been a personal struggle. Reflecting on the semester, I recognized that I didn’t engage with my peers as much as I would have liked, with most interactions occurring when they responded to my tweets. This realization serves as a valuable lesson for future classes or opportunities, highlighting the importance of improving my peer interaction skills.

This class has definitely been a great opportunity to develop valuable skills in live tweeting and effectively communicating on social media platforms and with my peers as well.

Amplifying the voices of climate activists part 2.

In this blog post, I will be actually reviewing 2 of my uni peers’ accounts discussing decarbonisation.

The first account I will be discussing is the Instagram account @sea02campaign.

In a world increasingly conscious of sustainability, the @Sea02Campaign stands at the forefront of a groundbreaking movement within the skincare industry. Focused on decarbonisation and harnessing the power of seaweed in skincare products, this influential Instagram account promotes the intersection of beauty and environmental responsibility.

@Sea02Campaign sheds light on the environmental impact of traditional skincare practices and highlights the potential of seaweed as a sustainable alternative. Traditional skincare often relies on carbon-intensive manufacturing processes and harmful ingredients. However, seaweed offers a natural and renewable resource that can be responsibly harvested and used in various skincare formulations. By showcasing the immense benefits of seaweed in skincare, the campaign champions a greener approach to beauty.

@Sea02Campaign educates its followers about the transformative power of seaweed in skincare formulations. Seaweed boasts a rich array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that nourish and rejuvenate the skin. Its natural properties not only provide effective skincare solutions but also contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the industry. By advocating for the use of sustainably sourced seaweed in skincare products, the campaign encourages conscious consumer choices that prioritize both personal well-being and the planet’s health.

@Sea02Campaign is ticking all the boxes in my marketing checklist, as they have created an aesthetic Instagram and Twitter account, staying within the niche and using hashtags. The only thing I would recommend would be creating a potential TikTok account.

The second account I will be looking at is the Instagram account @designfor0.

In an era marked by pressing environmental concerns, sustainability has become a fundamental aspect of every industry. One Instagram account, @designfor0, has emerged as a trailblazer in the visual communications industry, dedicated to uncovering ways for it to reform its practices and contribute to the crucial goal of decarbonization. With a commitment to creating a greener future, @designfor0 is sparking conversations, sharing insights, and inspiring action within the creative community.

@designfor0 encourages designers, artists, and industry professionals to adopt sustainable materials and processes. By showcasing alternative materials, such as recycled paper, eco-friendly inks, and biodegradable packaging, the account empowers creatives to make conscious choices that reduce their carbon footprint. It highlights the potential for innovation within sustainable design, challenging traditional practices and fostering a more environmentally conscious mindset.

Through its engaging content, @designfor0 plays a crucial role in raising awareness about the urgent need for decarbonization in the visual communications industry. It educates its audience about the carbon footprint of different design practices, encouraging individuals and organizations to take responsibility for their environmental impact. By amplifying the importance of sustainability, the account motivates professionals to rethink their approach and actively contribute to a greener future.

Again @designfor0 is checking all the boxes, Tara has created an amazing platform to spread awareness about decarbonisation in the visual communication industry. The Instagram is aesthetic, tieing into the design for 0 series on Taras blog creating more of an educating platform. Because it is an Instagram account Tara isn’t using music or dances as trends but instead using the trend formats of Instagram and making sure they are suited to the platform she is posting on.

Both Sianie and Tara have done an amazing job at social media marketing their accounts and have really reached a great audience on their accounts

Amplifying the voices of climate activists. Part 1

Throughout this semester I will be making about 3 blog posts just like this one discussing a range of social media accounts and auditing their accounts and seeing how they could maximize the impact with strategic social media marketing choices.

I will be discussing 2 accounts today both on the social media platform TikTok.

The first one I will be discussing is Lottie Dalziel, she is a Sydney TikToker discussing sustainability and also decarbonisation. While her videos are discussing a wide range of issues she particularly focuses on sustainability. She is using her platform to raise awareness about the urgency of reducing carbon emissions and ways ordinary people can make a change to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of life.

In one of her more popular videos, she shares tips and tricks on how to reduce your carbon footprint. in the video, she explains the importance of cutting down on meat consumption, driving less, and using renewable energy sources. I will be looking at Lottie’s Tiktok and I will be using a guide to help me essentially mark Lottie’s Tiktok and see if there is anything else she could do to maximize her voice.

Lottie’s TikTok does most things on my checklist, the things that I would suggest for Lottie to do so she could maximize her traffic to her account would be to be using some trending sounds to be in the background of her videos, which puts her videos on more FYP through the TikTok algorithm. Lastly, she is not marketing on other platforms, which is not a crazy thing, when researching her account her TikTok is the account for decarbonisation and sustainability and her Instagram is more of a personal account.

The second account I will be looking at in this blog post is @ouryouth4theclimate. This TikTok account is a popular platform for engaging with young individuals and discussing global issues.

The creators behind @OurYouth4TheClimate understand the power of this platform and utilize it to communicate the urgency of decarbonization. By presenting complex environmental issues in a concise and visually appealing manner, they capture the attention of millions and motivate them to take action. One of the primary objectives of @OurYouth4TheClimate is to raise awareness about the impacts of climate change and the importance of decarbonization. Through their TikTok video, the account sheds light on the various consequences of climate change, such as extreme weather events, habitat loss, and rising sea levels. Furthermore, they explain the significance of reducing carbon emissions and introduce viewers to sustainable lifestyle choices and technologies.

@OurYouth4TheClimate serves as a platform for young individuals to showcase their innovative ideas and initiatives aimed at decarbonization. the account features videos highlighting youth-led projects, such as renewable energy startups, sustainable fashion brands, and community-driven climate action campaigns. By amplifying these stories, they inspire other young people to take charge and contribute their unique talents and solutions to the fight against climate change. TikTok is not only a passive viewing experience but also a space for dialogue and engagement with their content, fostering a sense of community and collective action. By sparking conversations around decarbonisation, the account helps break down the perceived barriers between generations, cultures and geographical locations, forging a united front in the pursuit of a sustainable future.

Again I will be marking @OurYouth4TheClimate Tiktok and see what they can do or change to make more of an impact and amplify their voices on social media.

The only thing I would suggest would be to engage with their followers more by replying to comments and things like that and also marketing on other platforms as well.

Stay Tuned for part 2.

I actually like tweeting. Surprisingly

I will admit when I saw in the subject outline that we had to be live tweeting on this subject I was nervous as I didn’t really know what to expect from it. The whole 3 years that I have been at uni, I have never really had an ongoing media presence on Twitter except for some general tweets here and there but now having 5 sessions of live tweeting up my belt I can say it’s not that hard. I didn’t really have a game plan for my tweets, I always tried to watch or at least read the lecture notes and understand the week’s concept for example, cyberpunk, future cultures, novums, etc, before diving into the week’s screening and tweets.

Looking back on my tweets I tried to implement as much of the subject materials and what I was seeing in the screenings back into my thoughts for my tweets. In my tweets, I used a lot of media articles and quotes relating back to the subject materials. This helped me understand more of the subject materials and connect things that I’m seeing in the movie. For me personally, that makes it easier as I am a visual learner and some of the screenings I will admit were not in my preferred genre of movies.


Another platform I used to help me generate my tweets was ChatGPT. I think ChatGPT is an amazing platform that has made generating ideas and questions into easy-to-understand statements. I have used chatGPT in most of the screenings this semester as it has given me the ability to understand the movie more, as it has given a very satisfactory answer to the questions I have asked.

Future Tweeting

Reflecting on my tweets from the last 5 weeks I think there is a lot of room for growth and improvement where I can talk more about the subject material and link it back to the lecture more. If I was watching the movie for the first time I found that I tweeted more about how I was feeling and what was happening in the movie, so I should focus mostly on the subject materials for the majority of my tweets. But I have found that most of my interactions with my peers have been from tweets that are personal opinions talking about the movie or just funny thoughts that I have had about the movie.

Check out my Twitter for my future tweets.

Peer Reviews

Every Pitch that I had to comment on was very different topics that I have never really researched myself. That gave me the opportunity to research and understand more about these topics such as sports, sustainable fashion, and decarbonising advertising

The Pitches I commented on:

Sean’s Pitch

Elena’s Pitch

Lauren’s Pitch

Critical Reflection:

I personally think the best way to grow and improve is to hear what your peers think. I think it’s a great way to open your eyes to ideas that you may have not thought of. So when I was trying to write my comments for my peers it was difficult at first to give constructive feedback, as all of their ideas were amazing and I wanted to tell them that as it is not easy to create a project from thin air. I also wanted to be helpful and think of ways that they could incorporate new research materials or layers to their project.

But the thought of commenting was quite daunting, to say the least as I didn’t want to upset or offend anyone when suggesting things for their pitches. But I learned throughout this assignment was what would i want people to do for me. I would want people to comment on my ideas and to think about what would make my project better, as I think multiple brains are better than one.

Looking at other students’ work it has made me realise that I need to dive deeper into the subject materials and have a clear line between my project and the subject material. Again evaluating other students’ works has helped me realise what I have missed out on and also the other peers’ comments that I have received on my Pitch have helped me with ideas for improvement before the semester is over.

In looking back at my comments, I made sure that I added in my own research that I think would be helpful for my peers, which I think adds to good feedback as I’m not evaluating something or critiquing my peers without giving something that could help them out. I also told them things they could add like another platform if it was relevant.

Lastly looking at my own pitch and the comments I received I was really happy with the feedback I have received and it has given me more ideas to grow and improve my DA before my first post is published. From the comments, I have decided I need to focus more on adding statistics to my research, how signal boosting is beneficial, and figuring out how I will be measuring the success of my marketing plan and signal boosting for accounts whether that will be from interactions such as views, likes or comments or another way.

Overall, the peer commentary has really helped me understand where the future of my DA is heading and what I can do to refine it due to my peers helping me in discovering new research and resources to enhance my project for the better.


Since being in this degree it has made me realize that I love Marketing and its logistics, the way a marketer can produce amazing things for brands and people. I loved how marketing was always such a creative business as well. So that is why I am using my passion to produce my DA for BCM325.


I wanted to create multiple marketing plans and signal boost some popular tiktokers and instagramers and discuss what some of the popular tiktokers are doing to spread awareness of climate change and decarbonisation.

So I will be discussing in my blog posts 2 tiktok accounts and 1 Instagram account that are climate change activists or discuss decarbonisation and I will be making a marketing plan for them to gain more traffic to their accounts and also signal boosting their accounts through my own social media such as Twitter, Instagram, and potentially my TikTok.


So far I have found some Instagrammers and TikTokers whom I am interested to research and create a marketing plan for them, such as @climatediva and @climatetok so far. I have looked at an article by The wired which I included in my pitch video but I have also looked at an article by Leòn, Negredo, and Erviti. They discuss how imaging and effective visual representation of decarbonisation and climate change on social media. They are also discussing how they are some ‘barriers of citizens’ perceptions of climate change’ due to imaging. My sources and future sources will have the goal of identifying hard facts about decarbonisation and also the positives of using social media to have a voice in the online space can make a difference even if it’s a small one.

As I am at the start of my research stage, I will still be trying to find relevant sources to my concept and also the point of decarbonisation and climate change. I will also be trying to find more Instagram accounts and TikTok accounts to use in my DA to signal boost.


When finalizing my idea for this DA I was looking into my audience and deciding who they will be. I have decided that my audience would be very broad, but my aim is 18-30 marketing individuals that are interested in decarbonisation and also marketing.


As discussed in my pitch video my timeline is pretty simple as I don’t want to overextend myself so my goals for this project are easy and achievable but also keep me accountable and also hopefully increase motivation.