Digital Artefact link: https://www.instagram.com/ecohu.b/

This semester my group and I designed an idea and innovation called EcoHub. EcoHub is a physical hub that we are wanting to put all around Australia that is a recycling machine for people’s clothes. The hub is designed to take people’s old and used clothes and turn them into materials that small businesses that Ecohub will partner with can take so it reduces the amount of fast fashion landfill that sits in dumps all around the world. Whilst currently this is not a physical project and these physical hubs that we wanted to create are not real I still wanted the DA to be as real as possible so the audience can see the future possibilities that could happen with a project like this if it did exist. Fast fashion is one of the biggest reasons for landfills. According to the Australian Government, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (AWE) the average Australian acquires an average of 27 kilos of new clothing every year and ger rid of 23 kilos of clothing go into landfills each year. As stated by the AWE second-hand clothing shops help reduce the amount of clothing that ends up in landfills.

That’s why my group and I came up with EcoHub to address this major issue that is happening all over the world. EcoHub is more about tackling this issue head-on as it’s about trying to make a difference by reusing the material so it doesn’t keep just sitting in a landfill or end up there later. EcoHub takes the clothes from people wanting to donate and the collaborating small businesses can take the materials and clothes to use for making brand new clothes, this is giving the materials/clothes a new lease on life. Sustainable clothing can change a lot of things in the world not only the environment but, child labour or factory abuse, the use of less water and course helps animals and helps save natural resources (Man 2021).

As EcoHub is a physical and tangible thing and business my group and I all wanted to make different things that we would do if the innovation was real, so that is why I decided to do an Instagram account for my digital artefact and also because I am majoring in social media and marketing at UOW. The Instagram page was made to mimic a business’s Instagram page as I chose images from a range of sources such as pexels and other Instagram accounts to create the Ecohub Instagram page. I tried to build it exactly like a business page as I tried to use photos that would look like we were in our recycling factory and use images of sustainable fashion from talented designers and small businesses to showcase and mimic the idea that collaborating with small businesses and designers can collect materials from our recycling factory and make something completely new from the material. I also added ‘Meet the CEOs’ of EcoHub just to get to know the creators of this innovation. I also used a lot of natural colours and a lot of greens in the photos as I wanted it to go with the theme of sustainability. I wanted this Instagram page to be as realistic as possible and tried to make the feed look as aesthetic as possible as well.

I really enjoyed this project and all the assignments from this class, this DA was very fun to create even though I had some limitations as I was creating an Instagram page for something that is not a tangible thing. The only thing I would change is to have some more photos about EcoHub as a business but it was quite hard to create and or find photos that would go with what I was trying to say.


Australian Government, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, 2021, ‘Clothing Textiles Waste’, Australia Government, Viewed 1 June 2022 < https://www.awe.gov.au/environment/protection/waste/product-stewardship/textile-waste-roundtable >  

Bonmot_Organic, 2022, ‘Transparency matters in fashion…’, Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 < https://www.instagram.com/p/CeQECi-t5gC/ >

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Photo by cotton bro from  Pexels

Holichicbymegha, 2022, ‘Upcycled perfection 🥻♻️ 👗…’, Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 < https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdx4g13L68N/ >

Photo by Ian Turner from Pexels

Photo by James Wheeler from Pexels

Man, J 2021, ‘Sustainable Fashion Clothing- How will it Save our World’, Diversity Social, Viewed 1 June 2022 < https://diversity.social/sustainable-fashion-clothing/#0-introduction >

Plainstitchdeb, 2022, ‘It’s perfect spring picnic dress weather ☀️…’, Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 < https://www.instagram.com/p/CbcqzRCK-_Z/ >

Red Carpet Green Dress, 2022, ‘How many of you want to build a more sustainable wardrobe?​​​​​​​​….’, Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 <https://www.instagram.com/p/CeHbQ9KBzc-/ >

Red Carpet Green Dress, 2022, ‘Repost: @fash_rev…’, Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 < https://www.instagram.com/p/CdmBlYSP4oo/ >

Red Carpet Green Dress, 2022, ‘Fashion Brands are Getting into the Secondhand Business… ‘, Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 < https://www.instagram.com/p/CdcUg-Hryaf/ >

Red Carpet Green Dress, 2022, ‘Happy Earth Day!…’, Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 < https://www.instagram.com/p/CcqtpBjP1ID/ >

Reinfluenced 2022, ‘There are so many ways to add slow fashion into your life…’, Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 < https://www.instagram.com/p/CddbO3sNkOU/ >

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

 Photo by Sam Lion from Pexels

sivan_perezmalul, 2022, ‘UPCYCLED DENIM COLLECTION Be unique!’, Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 <  https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd3o6N2I-iq/ >

Surryhillsmarkets, 2019, ‘You’ll always find racks upon ⁠racks of vintage clothing at SHM 👌🏻…, Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 < https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ZwUx1D2Kd/ >

Thekaatntrail, 2022, ‘Dresses that catch the summer vibe with colors that soothe!…’, Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 < https://www.instagram.com/p/CeD1mQ9vr_r/ >

Thredup, 2022, ‘Happy 🌎 Day! We honor the planet every day here…’, Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 <https://www.instagram.com/p/CcqMXBlAeQn/ >

Thredup, 2022, ‘✨The ones that get it, get it. The ones that don’t, should! ♻️’ Instagram, Viewed 1 June 2022 < “>https://www.instagram.com/p/CeCYiK8hEpX/