I chose my research topic as I was/am experiencing this and I was curious to see if anyone else was feeling the same. My relationships have been affected by uni, more for me it was the workload and me putting uni above everything else which led to me burning out and exhaustion. This made me curious to find out how the BCM212 students felt and I just wanted to know if I was the only one that was feeling like this.

Researching was quite difficult as there were no real sources that answered my question but this made me learn to adapt and kinda make my question somewhat broad by adding loneliness, workload and moving. I did get fewer responses than what I wanted or expected but sometimes things go wrong but I still got an insight into people’s lives and especially their uni lives.

When my survey was ready, I did put it on Twitter by sending it in the BCM212 Twitter group chat and I did put It in there a few times but I still only ended up with 10 responses, unfortunately. But I was somewhat surprised by my responses but they gave me great insights.

The biggest struggle I had was writing my opinion piece, it was quite hard for me to write as much as I could and also get my point across as clear as possible without being too all over the place. Overall, I learned a lot from this research project and this subject but not only that I learned a lot from my fellow peers.

Does going to University affect students’ personal relationships?

For me personally, I feel like going to university affects multiple relationships in the student’s life. The majority of us are trying to balance multiple things at once and unfortunately for me at least I put my relationships last, with working, friends, family and partners it becomes really difficult to put personal lives first.

I am very curious if I am the only one that feels like they are unintentionally putting friends, family and partners last. And yes, I know everyone has different experiences and lives where it might be really easy for people which Is great for them.

We are trying to hustle and get this degree and also the majority of us need to work to make money whilst being in uni.

I put a poll on Twitter asking BCM students if they felt that university affects their personal relationships and yes majority said no university doesn’t and that is completely fine I still find it interesting cause I feel like I’m the opposite and I’m struggling to find the time and just the will power to keep up with everyone.

But there was still 13% that said yes, and I feel like it’s hard to admit that we are letting things like university affect our relationships with the people that are the closest to us.

So, I am interested to see how other students feel about this and if they have personally experienced this. Stay tuned!

What it’s like being a uni student.

How I became a uni student?

When I graduated high school I had no idea what I wanted to do.

I had the choice of two different universities with two completely different degrees and I had no idea what I wanted to do. So I decided to have a gap year well a gap year and a half and I worked in a bank as a bank teller and I hated it with an absolute passion but I am grateful for the position that I was in and it made me realise what I wanted to do. Which were comms and media specifically marketing and social media.

I had such a different view of what a uni student would be like or what uni would be like before everything that happened over the last 2 years. When we were all in lockdown majority of uni students were living out of their bedrooms whether that would be on campus or at home staring at our computers or phones with no friends or social lives. At least that’s how I was for the first year of uni which is not what I expected but it taught me a lot about myself.

last year’s classroom

What I am hoping for at university?

Now being back on campus for some classes at least I feel like I am a proper uni student and will be experiencing the uni life that everyone told me about when I told people I was going to uni. People told me that uni would be the best years of my life and I would experience so much and make so many friends. Last year was far from perfect but I am glad I made a few friends online, I’m very excited to experience the uni life but also very anxious considering I haven’t socialised or met any new people for two years.

being a uni student means to be social, fun, saying yes to new experiences and yes of course learning new things and focusing on education to further yourself and your career but at the end of the day being an on campus uni student is something that is new to me but I’m excited to see where being on campus takes me in my life.