Since being in this degree it has made me realize that I love Marketing and its logistics, the way a marketer can produce amazing things for brands and people. I loved how marketing was always such a creative business as well. So that is why I am using my passion to produce my DA for BCM325.


I wanted to create multiple marketing plans and signal boost some popular tiktokers and instagramers and discuss what some of the popular tiktokers are doing to spread awareness of climate change and decarbonisation.

So I will be discussing in my blog posts 2 tiktok accounts and 1 Instagram account that are climate change activists or discuss decarbonisation and I will be making a marketing plan for them to gain more traffic to their accounts and also signal boosting their accounts through my own social media such as Twitter, Instagram, and potentially my TikTok.


So far I have found some Instagrammers and TikTokers whom I am interested to research and create a marketing plan for them, such as @climatediva and @climatetok so far. I have looked at an article by The wired which I included in my pitch video but I have also looked at an article by Leòn, Negredo, and Erviti. They discuss how imaging and effective visual representation of decarbonisation and climate change on social media. They are also discussing how they are some ‘barriers of citizens’ perceptions of climate change’ due to imaging. My sources and future sources will have the goal of identifying hard facts about decarbonisation and also the positives of using social media to have a voice in the online space can make a difference even if it’s a small one.

As I am at the start of my research stage, I will still be trying to find relevant sources to my concept and also the point of decarbonisation and climate change. I will also be trying to find more Instagram accounts and TikTok accounts to use in my DA to signal boost.


When finalizing my idea for this DA I was looking into my audience and deciding who they will be. I have decided that my audience would be very broad, but my aim is 18-30 marketing individuals that are interested in decarbonisation and also marketing.


As discussed in my pitch video my timeline is pretty simple as I don’t want to overextend myself so my goals for this project are easy and achievable but also keep me accountable and also hopefully increase motivation.


  1. elenakingham says:

    Hi Mia, I was really impressed by your idea of signal boosting climate activists and showcasing their efforts towards raising awareness on climate change and decarbonisation. Your DA concept addresses the BCM325 focus and seems clear and focused; however, I believe it would be beneficial to incorporate more statistics and background information on how signal boosting has been effective in the past. Providing concrete examples of how content has spread to a wider audience as a result of signal boosting would help to reinforce the importance and potential impact of your project. For instance, Maryvale University’s article outlines the positive impact of signal boosting and how it can help to increase influence and awareness. Incorporating such insights and relevant research into your DA would add credibility and depth to your project.

    The connection you have established between signal boosting, cybernetics and the feedback loop showcase your engagement and understanding of the BCM325 subject content. It’s great to see that you’ve chosen some excellent social media users who align with the DA’s focus on decarbonisation. However, I think it would be beneficial to explore additional accounts to expand your research and analysis. An article by Refinery 29 provides an extensive list of environmentally conscious TikTok accounts that could be a valuable resource for your project. By incorporating insights and examples from a range of accounts, you could offer a more comprehensive understanding of how social media can be used to promote climate action. Overall, I think you’re on the right track with your DA concept and I look forward to seeing how it progresses over time. Keep up the good work!

    Resources for you to check out!

    Maryvale University article: https://online.maryville.edu/blog/a-guide-to-social-media-activism/

    Refinery 29 article: https://www.refinery29.com/en-au/sustainable-australian-tiktok-accounts


  2. Your methodology seems well thought out, and it’s good that you plan to look for more sources to support your research. It’s also great that you are considering the barriers to citizens’ perceptions of climate change. This is important to consider when creating marketing plans to increase awareness and engagement.

    Regarding feedback, having more details about your timeline and specific goals would be helpful. It is also useful to consider how you will measure the success of your marketing plans and signal-boosting efforts. Creating an audience or media exposure may take a lot of work. Are you just going to share different content with these influencers? Additionally, consider any potential challenges or obstacles you may face during this project and how you plan to address them.

    https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-20364-0_4 This website link is titled – ‘Supporting the Creation of Audio-Visual Content While Promoting Environmental Awareness: The 2G4N Project’. Going into detail about the importance of Tik Tok and other media platforms in promoting environmental issues will greatly justify why and how you will explore your topic.

    Overall, your concept for your DA sounds exciting and relevant. You are using your passion for marketing to create marketing plans for popular social media accounts that focus on these issues.


  3. seanken1234 says:

    Hi Mia
    With Climate Change being such a important issue at the moment you’re idea of making marketing plans for climate based social media accounts and using your love for Marketing and logistics to help these accounts reach a bigger audience is a great idea. With how big tik Tok and Instagram are right now these platforms are a great way of being able to highlight the different issues we are facing right now when it comes to climate change. In terms of the influencers you chose I believe you did a great job! I quickly researched these influencers and believe especially with @climatediva the potential she has specifically could be big as she already has a big audience and her content “trendy”. I also loved how you linked the cybernetics topic we have been learning in BCM325 by using the feedback loop to help you create your marketing plan. If I would have to give you any advice on how to further improve your DA I would suggest finding more influencers in different social media platforms e.g. YouTube, Twitter
    I found this article that recommends different climate YouTube channels which could help expand the DA to YouTube


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